Members’ Meeting October 18, 2022

At our second meeting of the year on October 18, 2022, 12 p.m. at the First Parish Church Chapel, an auction will be held, the proceeds of which will go toward the Scholarship Fund. Please bring an auction item or two that could be used for a fall decoration, an item that would make a great stocking stuffers, or gift cards are always welcome. Keep in mind the holidays are not that far away. This is an easy way to pick up a holiday gift and at the same time, replenish the Scholarship Fund.

Save the date, bring an auction item and have an enjoyable afternoon with friends old and new.

Welcome New Members

The Membership Committee introduced four (4) new members to the Club at the September 20, 2022 meeting. Pictured below are new members from left to right,Sheila Roy; Kathy Wallace; Wendy Spittle, Membership Committee; and new member Kathryn Lake.

New members from left to right,Sheila Roy; Kathy Wallace;
Wendy Spittle, Membership Committee; and new member Kathryn Lake.

Wendy Spittle and Bev Melvin of the Membership Committee also welcomed Rosanne Bruno.


Roseanne Bruno [on the left] with Membership Committee member Wendy Spittle.

New members also inducted at the September 20th meeting were Noeline Kohr, Carol Powers and Jean Spencer.

September 20, 2022 Members Meeting

The Manchester Woman’s Club first meeting of the 2022-2023 year is scheduled for September 20 at the First Parish Chapel. The Executive Board is bringing the entrees for the luncheon; members are asked to bring either a salad or dessert. The Program Committee has arranged a delightful program with pianist, Tony Malionek. Yearbooks are in and will be available for pick up at the meeting. Please plan to attend; the luncheon begins at noon; you are asked to arrive no earlier than 11:45. Also, please carpool if at all possible as parking is at a premium. Another option is to reserve the COA van-978-526-7500. Looking forward to seeing you for the beginning of another Club year.