April Shower Fundraiser

The weather may still say Winter, but the Manchester Woman’s Club is already looking forward to Spring. We are kicking off another April Shower of Prizes calendar fundraiser and your help is needed to make this a success.

If you are not familiar with how the calendar works, prizes are collected, and one prize is designated to each day in April. The calendars are sold to Club members and to the community in March. Then in April, each day a name is drawn, and the winner gets the prize designated on that day. The odds of winning are very good, so the calendar practically sells itself.

To get this fundraiser underway, we are asking that members donate a gift card, a service, or cash as a prize for the calendar preferably before February 21 or bring your donation to the February 21 members’ meeting. No amount is too small. If you have a donation prior to the February members’ meeting, it can be sent to or given to Eileen Morsett, 55 School Street, Apt.2, Manchester. Eileen’s contact information is 978-704-9498; eileenmor2@gmail.com. If necessary, please contact Eileen to arrange for pick up.

Thank you for your continued support of the Manchester Woman’s Club. We are counting on you.

Ways & Means,

Valerie McAskill                                  Joanne Donnelly
Co-Chair                                              Co-Chair

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