Fundraisers, Scholarships

We have two fundraisers this year, proceeds of which go toward the operation of the Club. You will be receiving 3 April Shower of Prizes calendars in the mail for you to purchase and/or to sell. There are great prizes each day of the month. If you need more calendars, print one or contact Eileen Morsett at 978-704-9498.

Our other fundraiser is the Manchester Woman’s Club cookbook. There are still a few cookbooks left. If you need another copy, contact Holly Gavin at 978-210-9857. And come to the Manchester Public Library on Saturday, May 13 where the Club’s cookbook will be the featured cookbook for the Library’s monthly throwdown. Better yet, register at the Library to make one of the recipes and bring it on the day. You may be the one to take home the prize!

Special Gifts will be finishing its work soon and making a determination about the scholarship amount we will be awarding this year to two MERHS seniors. If you have not yet had a chance to donate to the Scholarship Fund, please make a donation in any amount made payable to the Manchester Woman’s Club and send it to Joan Kelley, 18 Raymond Street, Manchester 01944. Thank you.

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