Committee-Club Trip (Fall Trip)

The process of determining the venue and restaurant begins soon after the Club’s Annual Meeting. The Committee of at least 3 to 4 members chooses a chairperson. The goal is to agree on a venue for the members’ trip and a North Shore Restaurant to occur when the Committee agrees on an appropriate time of year.

It usually takes three (3) meetings in early summer with full attendance to settle on a venue. Once venue is agreed upon, the chairperson delegates tasks to each member:

  • Book the restaurant and venue;
  • Create flyer;
  • Write letter/invitation;
  • Procure stationery and envelopes;
  • Take flyer and letter/invitation to Staples to be printed;
  • Mail letter, return envelope to members with enough time to confirm number attending.


RSVPs and monies are the responsibility of a designated Committee member. As RSVPs and monies are received, the designated Committee member collects the responses and makes a list. All checks are sent to the Club Treasurer.

All financial matters are the chairperson’s responsibility. Receipts/invoices are to indicate what the amount is for and who is to be reimbursed. Receipts/invoices are then sent to the Club Treasurer. The trip is expected to not cost the Club anything beyond postage, stationery.

TIME SENSITIVE: Event particulars are sent to the Yearbook Committee chair by August 1 for printing in the Club’s yearbook.

  • 2023 – November 8 lunch at the Azorean Restaurant, Gloucester
  • 2022 – November to the Peabody-Essex Museum and lunch at the Hawthorne Hotel
  • 2020-2021 – Covid pandemic
  • 2019 – Patton Homestead & Library; Village Restaurant in Essex.
  • 2018 – Cape Ann Cinema & Stage (Gloucester) movie “Tea with Mussolini” ; boxed lunch from Beverly Depot.
  • 2017 – North Shore Art Association, Charles Movalli Retrospective; Lunch at Lobsta’ Land.

[Sign up 3 to 5 members]

Revised and updated November 2023