
These duties apply to the October, November, February, March, April meetings [no meetings December and January]; the May annual meeting & luncheon may take place at a restaurant.

  • September meeting
    • Executive Board provides entrees, centerpieces, compostable plates, cups tableware, napkins. This is the only meeting disposable knives and forks are used.
    • Members provide salad and/or dessert.


Sign-up sheets for volunteers to make sandwiches and/or desserts are on each table at every meeting.

Hostesses for the month remind those who volunteered to make sandwiches and desserts or call members if there were not enough volunteers.

  • 9 members volunteer to bring 15-18 finger sandwiches
  • 6 members volunteer to bring 10-12 pieces of dessert items

NOTE: only finger or tea sandwiches are prepared because the Club only has teaspoons – no other tableware. Finger desserts like cookies are preferable because again, the Club only has teaspoons.

 The Hostesses for the month supply:

  • 75 to 80 napkins to coordinate with your theme
  • Centerpieces for 7 round tables (assume 7 tables with 6 – 8 seats); centerpieces are auctioned off; proceeds go back to the general
  • 1 Centerpiece for long food table.

Before the scheduled Members’ meeting, Hostesses coordinate with the Program Committee chair about table set up. Occasionally, the Program Committee needs a different configuration of tables for the program. [Note: After this consultation, Hostesses can either mock up the room set up using the Function Room diagram below or send information about set up to the Club President who prepares and emails the diagram to The Chapel’s Office Manager, and to Chapel employee, Mark Jackson a few days before the Members’ meeting. Either way someone needs to send the diagram to the office and the Chapel employee].

Reimbursement for non-food items: Submit receipts not to exceed $100.00 for supplies other than food to Club Treasurer with your name and reason for reimbursement. Food supplied by Hostesses and volunteers is donated and not reimbursable.


Hostesses should arrive at the Chapel by 11 AM.

A Chapel employee sets up the tables and chairs based on input/diagram from Club President, Hostesses or Program Chair.

  • Place freshly laundered tablecloths and centerpieces on each table. Set the tables with 6 – 8 place settings with a napkin and spoon.
  • The food tables should be set near the kitchen door for easy access. Use the rectangular cloths and one centerpiece.
  • Place the luncheon plates and cups at each end of the food table. Members will file along both sides of food table.
  • Place the tea service set to be used for serving tea at the end of table closest to the kitchen and the coffee service tray at the far end of the table.
  • Sandwiches and condiments (i.e., chips, pickles, etc.) are placed on the long food table. Desserts are placed on the counter next to coffee maker.
  • Hospitality committee makes the coffee and the tea.
  • Choose two pourers– one for tea and one for coffee.
  • A member of your committee should be available during the luncheon to replenish food, beverages, and serving pieces as needed.
  • Advise the President when lunch is ready to be served (should be at noon).
  • After lunch and prior to the start of the business meeting, remove dishes from tables. Scraped food from plates should go into the compostable trash bag, including coffee grounds, paper napkins.  Silver teaspoons go into the plastic tub set up with soap & water for soaking.  Plates and cups go on counter next to silverware to be loaded in the dishwasher. The Town of Manchester encourages recycling and composting whenever Our Club should strive to comply.
  • Do not leave any plates, cups, napkins, or other supplies in the kitchen cupboard.
  • The Hospitality Committee are responsible for kitchen cleanup and locking cabinets.
  • Someone from Hospitality or Hostesses should see that leftovers are disposed of. Suggestions include Library or Fire Department. It’s your decision.


  • Hostesses for the next month’s meeting need to collect the tablecloths and launder them.
  • Hostesses for the next month’s meeting need to collect the sign-up sheets of the names of those who have volunteered to make sandwiches and/or desserts for the following month’s meeting.
  • Next month’s Hostesses print sandwich/dessert sheets to leave on tables at next meeting.
  • If not enough sandwich and dessert volunteers, make calls to members.

Revised and edited:
October 2019
June 2022
January 2023 (2)
October 2023
April 2024