
By-laws Article III Section 1, Article VII, Section 5

Membership is a Standing Committee, that is, a permanent committee appointed to deal with a specified subject. The Committee shall report to the Board at least once annually.

The Executive Committee appoints the Chair from the Board’s Directors. Other members are chosen from the general membership of the Club. Sign up 1 or 2 additional members.

Each candidate for membership must be sponsored in writing by three members.

The application is presented to the Board for approval. Copies are given to the

  • President,
  • Treasurer,
  • Corresponding Secretary,
  • Recording Secretary,
  • Nominating Committee
  • Yearbook Chair
  • Communications Chair

Corresponding Secretary will notify the new member by mail, inviting her to the next luncheon meeting. Dues are expected to be paid upon acceptance.

Membership Chair should contact the new member and ask for a brief bio (spouse, children, job/hobbies, etc.).

A few days before the membership luncheon, order a pink carnation (with baby’s breath, fern, pink ribbon) from Wards in Beverly (978-922-0032). Annotate the receipt with reason for the invoice, Committee, person to be reimbursed. Submit to the Club’s Treasurer.

At the luncheon/members’ meeting, introduce the new member and present them with carnation and Yearbook. Attempt to have a picture(s) taken for inclusion on the Club’s Facebook and website.

Dues of members enrolled in March or April Executive Board meetings shall be credited to the following fiscal year.

Revised January 2024