Committee-Special Gifts

Special Gifts, a Standing Committee, is the Scholarship Fundraiser – The Executive Committee appoints the chair.

Solicit donations from Club members to benefit the Scholarship Fund. The proceeds from this mailing, the 50/50 monthly meeting raffles, and the September auction determine the amount of the two (2) scholarships the Club awards in the Spring to two (2) Manchester Essex Regional High School students.

Actions: If sending the solicitation by snail mail, in October work with Yearbook chair to get a list of members with addresses. Ask Yearbook chair or Communications Committee for mailing labels of members and Club’s return labels.

  • Pink stationery is preferred. There are about 100+ members, plus a few extra for new members joining during the year.
  • If sending snail mail, update last year’s letter.
  • The mailing includes:
    1. Letter signed by Chair and committee member(s).
    2. Outgoing envelope, size 10
    3. The members mailing labels for the outgoing envelopes.
    4. Return envelope with the chair’s address (or designated person to receive the donations) to fit in outgoing envelope.
    5. Outgoing envelope contains Manchester Woman’s Club return address.
    6. Apply postage to outgoing envelope.
  • Save receipts for stationery and postage, etc. to give to Treasurer.
  • Use an EXCEL spreadsheet to keep track of the incoming checks, check number, date received, and donors’ name.
  • Send thank you notes/acknowledgements.
  • All donations are forwarded to the Treasurer.
  • Keep tabs on number of returns and total raised to report to the Executive Board and to membership meetings. At members meetings, remind members that they can still donate anytime until the March 31.
  • Have extra request-packet for new members not on original list.
  • At end of calendar year, send tax-deductible contribution letter to members who have contributed $250+.
    • NOTE: Club’s fiscal year (FY) is May 1 to April 30th. Therefore, it is necessary to have two fiscal year’s list of donors because determination of a $250+ donation could cover two fiscal years.
      For example, Mary Smith donates $150 in January 2024 which is FY2024. Her donation in FY 2025 made in September 2024 is for $200. Her donations total $350 for calendar year 2024. Mary Smith would require a letter by December 31, 2024 stating the amount of her donations and the dates the checks were received. [See example below.]

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 Letter to members for contributions of $250+ in a calendar year.

The Manchester Woman’s Club awards scholarships each year to two outstanding graduating seniors from Manchester Essex Regional High School. It is largely through our generous members that the Special Gifts campaign can raise the funds for these scholarships.

Please consider this letter official receipt of your tax-deductible contribution on [insert date of member’s check] in the amount of $ [insert check amount]. No goods or services were provided to you in consideration of this gift.

This Manchester Woman’s Club, EIN 04-6056769 is an organization eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions per Publication 78 from IRS for both federal and state tax purposes.

Thank you for supporting this worthy endeavor.

Revised and updated May 2024