Committee-Ways & Means

Article VII Section 5

Ways & Means is a Standing Committee, that is, a permanent committee appointed to deal with a specified subject. The Committee shall report to the Board at least once annually.

The First and Second Vice-Presidents are the Committee co-chairs. Minimum eight additional members are recommended.

Goal: this Committee is responsible for raising the operating funds of the Club. This is traditionally accomplished by a fundraising event in April. (Fiscal Year ends April 30.)

  • 50/50 raffle – best return is realized when we sell tickets to the public. We need a license to do so and pay taxes on the income. License is procured by the Club ‘s Treasurer at the MBTS Town Clerk’s office in January of each year. Club Treasurer is also responsible for writing a report which is submitted to the Town Clerk.

The following are steps if the Club organizes a gala

  • Silent auction (3 people) – procure, record, and merchandise items for the event and oversee the silent auction. Assign one committee member to hold the items. Make individual bid sheets for each item including a card with an auction number, donor, description, and value. Each guest receives a bid number, record name, contact info of each bidder. Start asking members for donations as early as Oct.
  • Planning the event (3 people) – secure a location, develop a theme, design an invitation based on the theme, secure a caterer, music /entertainment. Print 150 invitations, 300 event tickets, 1,000 raffle tickets (one for $5, 5 for $20). Get membership mailing labels, and envelopes, both outgoing and return envelopes. For clarity, include a receipt stating number of guests attending and number of raffle tickets included in the return. Send at least 4 weeks in advance.
  • Decorations – one or two committee members should take the lead on planning the decorations. On the day of the event the full committee should be on hand to set up.
  • Event tickets and raffle tickets (3 people) – One person should receive the incoming ticket and raffle money (and tickets). Categorize the money, event tickets and 50/50 balance, create a deposit record for the treasurer. Pass money on to the treasurer. Keep a list of who is attending. At the event check off who comes.
  • Two tables at the event entrance, one for checking-off attendees and one to assign bid numbers. Also, someone to sell additional raffle tickets.
  • Items not sold should be returned to donor or auctioned at Sept meeting.
  • Donations to the silent auction that exceed $200 in value must be acknowledged to the donor. Items received from non-members should be acknowledged.
  • A full financial report is given to membership at the May meeting.