Corresponding Secretary

Executive Board member; selected by Nominating Committee

Article IV, Section 5

The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct all correspondence, shall send notices of Special and Executive Board Meetings, shall notify new members of election, shall make a report at the Annual Meeting and shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office.

Article III, Section 1

Each Candidate for membership must be sponsored in writing by the three members who recommended her. The new member to be notified by the Corresponding Secretary and invited to attend the next meeting for presentation . . . 

Standing Rules

Any member having a matter which she wishes considered may present it in writing to the Corresponding secretary who will bring the same to the Executive Board for action.

Detailed Duties and Responsibilities

Drafts and sends all correspondence both electronic and snail mail to all Club members and to the public.

Works with the President to draft next Members’ Meeting agenda and copy for email blast to all Club members. The email notifies/reminds Club members about the upcoming meeting: parking, the order of the meeting and any relevant information members need to know before attending. The email blast includes the agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, and the current bank statement from the Treasurer.

When a new member is voted in, one week in advance of the regular meeting, the Corresponding Secretary notifies the individual of their acceptance and invites them to be inducted at the next meeting. [Article III, Section 1] An example of a letter to be sent to new members follows this job description. Note that the letter is sent over the signature of the Membership Chair.

At the Board Meeting and the Regular Meeting, read all correspondence, thank you notes, etc. received the previous month.

The Corresponding Secretary is the backup for the Recording Secretary. When the Recording Secretary is unable to attend meetings, it is the responsibility of the Corresponding Secretary to take minutes and read the minutes from the previous meeting.

Presents a report at the annual meeting. [Article IV, Section 5]

If requested, help Committee members with necessary Club correspondence and thank you notes.

Any member having a matter which she wishes considered may present it in writing to the Corresponding Secretary who will bring the same to the Executive Board for action. [Standing Rules]

Revised and reformatted June 22, 2024

EXAMPLE: New Member Letter



Dear New Member,

Welcome to the Manchester Women’s Club. We look forward to getting to know you.

Just a few words about what we do. We are a community service club supporting several organizations such as the VNA, Fund to Prevent Homelessness, three different food pantries and other local projects. The Friendship Tree and program at Christmas and two college scholarships for local students are our main achievements. We support a number of local charities throughout the year.

No matter what talents, skills or abilities you have, you will find many opportunities in your area of interest. Along the way you’ll deepen old friendships and make many new ones. We value your participation in helping us continue to serve the community.

Membership Chair