
Six Directors are Executive Board members; selected by Nominating Committee

Detailed Duties and Responsibilities

The Officers with six Directors shall constitute the Executive Board and shall have charge of the affairs of the Club. [Article IV Section 1]

Two Directors shall be elected for a term of three years. [Article VI Section 2]

The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the Club and six Directors, two of whom shall be elected each year. [Article VII Section 1]

  • The Directors represent the members interests and serve as advisors to the Executive Board.
  • Directors’ duties are assigned by the President.
  • Directors have the same rights and responsibilities as other Board members.
  • The Directors are responsible for calling members without email contact to remind them of the monthly meeting. The President will assign names at the September Executive Board meeting.
  • In May and June, the Club’s Committee assignments need to be finalized around August 1 for publication in the yearbook. The President divides the Committees among the six (6) Directors.If a Committee does not have a full complement of volunteers, the Director assigned to that Committee encourages members to join the Committee.Directors send emails to their assigned Committee members for the purpose of confirming each Committee roster.

    The email asks that the members pick their Chair and communicate their choice to the Director and the President. This information is then sent to the Chair of the Yearbook Committee. The email to each Committee includes the duties and responsibilities of each specific Committee.

Revised and updated:
June 1, 2023
April 24, 2024
April 26, 2024
June 17, 2024