
Article IV, Section 2

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and Executive Board and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

Article V, Section 3

Special meetings may be called at the request of the President and three members of the Executive Board or at the written request of nine members of the Club.

Article VI, Section 2

The Officers and Auditor shall be elected for one year and may be re-elected at the expiration of their term of office. . . No one except the Treasurers shall serve in one position more than three consecutive years but may again be eligible for the same office after the intervention of one year.

Article VII, Section 2

The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President.

Article VII, Section 8

The President shall appoint the Parliamentarian.

Detailed Duties and Responsibilities

Club Fiscal Year: May 1 through April 30
[Slate of Officers voted on at May Annual Meeting & Luncheon]

Executive Board positions:

  • President (2 years *)
  • VP I (1 year)
  • VP II (2 years)
  • Recording Secretary
  • Corresponding Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Assistant Treasurer
  • Scholarship Committee – 3 members; each serves 3 years; 1 person retired annually
  • Nominating Committee – 3 members; one rotates off at the end of each year.
  • 2 Directors one year
  • 2 Directors two years
  • 2 Directors three years


Please notify the President of any case of illness or sorrow.


With permission from the President, the silver service and teacups may be loaned to other organizations.

The Chairman of any Committee may at the invitation of the President, be invited to a Board Meetings.

Flowers & Goodwill
Club members should notify the Committee Chair when learning of a member’s illness or loss. The Chair will notify the Club President of illness and deaths of members.


  • Obtain 1st Parish Church Chapel Rental Agreement for next fiscal year from Chapel office. Ask Treasurer for check [see June list of duties below]
  • Work with Recording Secretary to secure Chapel Conference Room for next year’s Executive Board meetings, June through April.
  • Assign Committees to Directors; work with them on solidifying Committee assignments.
Annual Meeting & Luncheon Communications Community Service *
Club Trip/Fall Trip Flowers & Goodwill * Friendship Tree
Sponsor-A-Bulb Cocoa Christmas Greens
Hospitality Hostesses Membership
Program Special Gifts VNA Liaison
Ways & Means Yearbook *Consider combining


  • Hold first Executive Board meeting of new Club year with newly elected officers.
  • Use this first meeting of the new Board to transition positions with those filled by newly elected officers. Determine how that will transpire – Is it sufficient to give the new officer the job description and that is sufficient, or should the outgoing officer meet either after the Board meeting with new officer or meet later at a mutually agreeable time?
  • TIME SENSITIVE: The Club’s website domain name needs to be renewed by August 12, 2024; $80.
  • Take check to the Chapel office, reserve dates for members’ luncheon meetings and the first Sunday in December for the Christmas program. [NOTE: for 2024, the date is December 8, the second Sunday]
  • Article VII, Section 4: The Executive Board shall appoint the Chairmen and members of all Standing Committees (except as otherwise authorized?) not later than the first meeting of the Board following the Annual Meeting.
  • Article VII, Section 5: There shall be the following Standing Committees: Membership, Ways and Means, Publicity, Scholarship and such other Committees as the Executive Board may establish. They shall report to the Board at least once annually.
  • Be sure Committee assignments are completed; Directors send email to each Committee members who volunteered for the Committee along with the description of their duties and responsibilities. Have each Committee select their Chair and let you and the Yearbook Chair know before August 1. Or barring that, name someone from the list of volunteers. The Chair must be named because it is included in the Yearbook.
  • Determine if the Club will have a table at Festival-by-the-Sea on August 3. If going forward, put a VP in charge.


  • Notify Scholarship Committee and Special Gifts to organize the September Members’ Meeting auction, proceeds of which go toward scholarships. Committee members will need to solicit items for the auction via email and snail mail. Prepare bidding sheets or have an auctioneer, value donated items, and set up prior to start of meeting.
  • Attempt to determine Festive Program / Friendship Tree needs – replacement lights, business sponsorship, etc.


  • Confirm that information about Programs for the year, Hostesses, and Club Trip / Fall Trip have all been finalized and ready to be printed in yearbook.
  • All yearbook copy must be ready for the printer in August.


  • At Executive Board meeting, President assigns call list of members without email to Directors who notify those members of meetings.
  • At Executive Board meeting, plan tasting luncheon for the September Members’ meeting, assigning Board members hostess duties, main dishes for luncheon, etc. Be sure a member with valid Food Safe certificate will be present during the luncheon. See July note above about assigning Auction to Scholarship and Special Gifts.


  • Invite Festive Tree Program Chair and Sponsor-A-Bulb as appropriate and necessary to Executive Board meeting.


  • Draft or use last year’s Sponsor-A-Bulb (SAB) thank you note to thank everyone who donated to SAB. Weekly list of donors sent from SAB chair.
  • Write speech for Festive Program/Friendship Tree lighting in December.


  • Deliver speech at Festive Program/Friendship Tree lighting on Town Green.




  • Remind Nominating to begin their work of developing a slate of officers.
  • Remind Annual Meeting & Luncheon Committee that their work begins now.
  • At February, March members’ meetings mention submitting letters for Honorary Member prior to the April Executive Board meeting.
  • Remind Treasurer to renew Commonwealth’s raffle license through Town Clerk’s office. Submission of a report for previous year’s activities required by Town Clerk.


  • Scholarship Committee prepared to receive applications from High School
  • Executive Board determines the scholarship amount to be awarded to two (2) High School seniors; members vote at March meeting on scholarship amount.


  • Scholarship Committee notifies you when their work has been completed and they have sent a letter to the school identifying the scholarship recipients and scholarship amounts.
  • Confirm Nominating has identified next year’s slate of officers; Nominating needs to present the final Slate at the April Members’ meeting.
  • If there are submissions for Honorary Member(s), vote at April’s Executive Board meeting.
  • Concerted effort to finalize Committee Signups for next fiscal year.




ARTICLE III. Membership and Dues
Section 4.  All dues are payable in advance on or before the Annual Meeting. On June 10th the Treasurer will send a bill to those who have failed to remit . . .

ARTICLE IV. Officers and Their Duties

Section 1. The officers of the Club shall be a President, a first Vice-President, a second Vice-President, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Assistant Treasurer. These officers with six Directors shall constitute the Executive Board and shall have charge of the affairs of the Club.

Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and Executive Board and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

Section 3. In the absence of the President, a Vice-President in the order of office shall perform the duties pertaining to the office of President.

ARTICLE V. Meetings

Section 1. The President, with the consent of the Executive Board, may set another date within the same calendar month for the meeting if the date of the scheduled meeting conflicts with National holidays or school vacation weeks. (paraphrased)

Section 3. Special meetings may be called at the request of the President and three members of the Executive Board or at the written request of nine members of the Club. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call, which shall be sent out one week before the meeting.

ARTICLE VI. Nominations and Elections

Section 2. The Officers and Auditor shall be elected for one year and may be re-elected at the expiration of their term of office. * Officers’ terms are one year, maximum 3 consecutive years, except for the Treasurer. Officers may again be eligible for the same office after the intervention of one year.

ARTICLE VII. Executive Board and Committees

Section 2. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President. Six members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4 – The Executive Board shall appoint the Chairmen and members of all Standing Committees (except as otherwise authorized?) not later than the first meeting of the Board following the Annual Meeting.

Section 5. There shall be the following Standing Committees: Membership, Ways and Means, Publicity, Scholarship and such other Committees as the Executive Board may establish. They shall report to the Board at least once annually.

Section 8. The President shall appoint the Parliamentarian.


Maintains the Club Binder, “The Bible”, that contains Executive Board Job descriptions and Committee descriptions. Changes, revisions, updates to documents must also then be made to the website [] where these descriptions are stored.

Website updates are the purview of the Communications Committee.

Communications Committee posts on Facebook in a timely manner.

Throughout the Club year, include reminder in all correspondence and at meetings about Nominating someone as an Honorary member any time during the year prior to April. Executive Board considers the submissions and votes at their April meeting.

At each Members’ meeting, have sandwich and dessert sign-up sheets on the tables. Implore members to volunteer to bring sandwiches and/or desserts to the next meeting. Give sign-up sheets to next meeting Hostesses.

Before the end of May each year, the Treasurer sends a reminder email and snail mail about paying dues. [Found this wording somewhere.] The last couple of years, the Annual Meeting & Luncheon invitation had a reminder and request for dues. [see Article III, Section 4 replicated below.]

Chapel Rental Agreement falls to the President (as she signs the document) and then given to Treasurer to pay the rent for the upcoming year.

President washes tablecloths for the September meeting [gather tablecloths after April members’ meeting.]

2022 September 19 email from Judy delRosario: If the board votes for it then the whole membership has to vote on it.

Executive Board Meeting Dates: It’s the Monday before the 3rd Tuesday unless it’s a Monday holiday. Then it’s the Tuesday before the 3rd Tuesday. 2024 April 19 email from Dorothy Sieradzki

At the April 2024 Executive Board meeting, I asked Membership, Wendy Spittle, when an applicant for membership becomes a member. Wendy said at her induction at a members meeting.


  • Recording Secretary |  Article IV, Section 4
  • Corresponding Secretary |  Article IV, Section 5
  • Treasurer |  Article IV, Section 6
  • Membership |  Article VII, Section 5
  • Ways and Means |  ibid
  • Publicity |   ibid
  • Scholarship |  ibid







1st Parish Conference Room scheduled for the year

President/Recording Secretary

10-12 days prior

Work with Recording Secretary (RS) on agenda; remind RS to prepare the last meeting’s minutes.

President/Recording Secretary

10-12 days prior

Remind Treasurer to submit last month’s bank statement(s). NOTE: statements are usually ready by the 7th of each month.

President/Recording Secretary

At EB meeting

Determine order of Members Meeting

Executive Board

After EB meeting

Work with Corresponding Secretary as necessary on email blast of the upcoming members’ meeting

President/Corresponding Secretary






10-12 days


Program Committee (PC) has submitted the Function Hall diagram to Church Office; PC member has communicated with Hospitality and Hostesses about program, layout.

President/Program Committee

Meeting set up

Check that PC has saved a parking space for presenter

President / Program Committee

10-12 days prior

Determine table flyer(s) needed (optional); who creates?

President/Communications Committee

Meeting set up

Check in with Hospitality (Kitchen Angels) for their status. They will let you know when Luncheon may be served.

President / Hospitality

Meeting set up

Sandwich/Dessert signup sheets on tables; next month’s Hostesses collect, launder tablecloths, print signup sheets for next meeting.

President / Hostesses

At start of meeting

Ask Hostesses the cost of the centerpieces to determine auction amount of each centerpiece. Proceeds go toward Operations.

President / Hostesses

Before adjournment

Remind next month’s Hostesses to collect sandwich & dessert signup sheets; collect tablecloths to launder

President / Hostesses

Revised, updated June 17, 2024