Recording Secretary

Executive Board member; selected by Nominating Committee [maximum 3-year term]

Article IV, Section 4

The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board, shall read the minutes of the preceding meeting for correction and approval, and shall present a report at the Annual Meeting.

Detailed Duties and Responsibilities

Schedule place and location of each Executive Board (EB) Meeting. Board meetings are scheduled the Monday or Tuesday (if holiday falls on Monday) the week before the Members’ meeting. Members’ meetings are the third Tuesday in September, October, November, February, March, April. There is no EB meeting in May.

Works with the President preparing each Executive Board (EB) Meeting agenda.

Emails EB members a reminder a few days before upcoming meeting of the time and place. Email includes agenda, minutes of previous EB meeting, and current bank statement from the Treasurer.

Attends Board meetings, takes minutes; prepares minutes of each Board meeting and makes corrections as noted by the Board.

Attends membership luncheons, takes minutes; makes any corrections to the preceding month’s membership meeting minutes noted at the luncheon.

Presents a report at the annual meeting. [Article IV, Section 4]

Keeps records of MWC’s meetings. Hands over old minutes to club historian. [who?]

Drafts and sends publicity for the Club. -OR – Publicity, which currently is a separate “committee”, moves to Communications Committee.

Revised and updated April 21, 2024
June 17, 2024