
Article IV, Section 6.

The Treasurer shall receive all money; shall keep a strict account thereof; shall make deposits in the name of the Club; shall pay all bills. She shall present a report at the Annual Meeting.

Article III, Section 4. All dues are payable in advance on or before the Annual Meeting. On June 10th the Treasurer will send a bill to those who have failed to remit . . . The Treasurer shall furnish the Executive Board at its first meeting held after August 1st, a list of members in arrears.

Article VI, Section 2.  . . . No one except the Treasurers shall serve in any one position more than three consecutive years but may again be eligible for the same office after the intervention of one year.

Standing Rules. Change of address should be immediately reported to the Treasurer.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Balances the Manchester Woman’s Club five (5) bank accounts monthly.
  • Gives reports to the Board and the membership at monthly meetings.
  • Pays all bills.
  • Keeps records of five (5) accounts with audit at the fiscal year’s end, April 30.
  • Maintains Membership records.
  • Collects dues at annual luncheon and follow-up mailings.
  • Collects money at the annual auction.
  • File tax e-file Form 990-N annually online after April 30th and before June 30th..
  • Have the Board (and then membership) vote in February or by the latest March on the amount of the scholarships to be given.
  • Bring to Board and then to membership donations we give to various charities at each monthly meeting.
Revised, updated April 30, 2024
June 17, 2024