Vice Presidents

First and Second Vice Presidents

Duties and Responsibilities

The officers of the Club shall be a President, a first vice president a second vice president, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Assistant Treasurer. These officers with six Directors shall constitute the Executive Board and shall have charge of the affairs of the Club. [Article IV, Section 1]

In the absence of the President, a vice president in the order of office shall perform the duties pertaining to the office of the President. [Article IV, Section 3]

The officers and auditor shall be elected for one year and may be re-elected at the expiration of their term of office… [Article VI, Section 2]

  • It is expected that the first and second vice presidents will move up and become President.
  • Both first and second vice presidents will co-chair the Ways and Means Committee.
  • Vice presidents’ duties are assigned by the President.
Revised and updated April 26, 2024