VNA Care Liaison

Manchester Woman’s Club Liaison to VNA Care (Visiting Nurses)

Purpose: To maintain the more than 100-year-old direct founding connection between the Manchester Woman’s Club and the first Visiting Nurse Agency of VNA Care 

Background:  In 1908-1910 A Manchester Woman’s Club sub-committee was formed and proposed, planned, trouble-shot, funded and brought to reality the first Visiting Nurse in Manchester.  Subsequently the Manchester Visiting Nurse “agency” joined with the other 4 earliest Visiting Nurse entities to form VNA Care of the North Shore and became an independent entity.  This continued to grow to become the principal and largest Visiting Nurse organization of Massachusetts, now serving hundreds of communities.  

Manchester Woman’s Club Liaison Role:

(1) Maintain the relationship; Publicize the VNA Care relationship in Manchester and support VNA Care by participating in the VNA Care Community Cabinet.

(2) Attend Monthly VNA Care Community cabinet meetings as called by VNA Care, beginning in winter of each year, and help the organization to plan and execute its annual spring fundraiser.

(3) Find ways to announce and publicize the Fundraiser in Manchester and within the Club.  Try to solicit sponsors of the event within the Manchester business community.

(4) Request annually a donation to VNA care (set by the MWC Board) which has been made and maintained for decades, as a demonstration of our continued connection and support.

(5) Request funds for (normally $75-100) and construct a themed basket for donation to VNA Care to be auctioned at the annual VNA Care fundraiser.  

(6) Promote and attend the Fundraiser within the Woman’s Club, reserving a table or seats for local Woman’s Club Members.

(7) Work within the Town of Manchester and with the VNA and Woman’s Club to maintain awareness of the VNA Care as the original Visiting Nurse Organization.  Work within personal sphere of influence to keep VNA Care in the public eye and/or lending support to the organization as personally able.

N.B.  Due to the Historical nature of this relationship, it is also important to maintain relationship with the Manchester Historical Museum, which now houses and maintains all the original VNA foundation documents. 

July 17, 2022